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Pickled Beetroots

Pickled Beetroots

8 to 10 large beetroots
1 ½ cups water 
3 cups of apple cider vinegar 
1 tsp whole peppercorns 
2 bay leaves, fresh or dried 
6 cloves 
1 tsp mustard seeds 
1 cinnamon stick
½ tsp sea salt 
1 ½ cups caster sugar 

Wash beetroots thoroughly. Cut off the leaves, but keep a centimetre of the stem attached.

Place in a large pot on the stove and add enough water to cover the beetroots. Cook until you can push a fork into them but they’re still firm. 

Remove from stove, drain and leave the beetroots to cool down. Gently remove the skins using your hands or a knife (wear gloves as the beetroot will stain your hands). Cut the beetroots into slices or julienne strips. 

Place all other Ingredients into a separate saucepan and bring to the boil. Simmer for 5 minutes and then strain.

Pack the sliced beetroot into a large hot sterilised jar and pour over the brine, making sure it completely covers the beetroot. If you need to, you can top up with extra apple cider vinegar. 

Secure with lid and store in the fridge. Start tasting after about a week to really let the flavours immerse in the Beetroot. Keeps for up to one month.

Recipe taken from our Family #11 interview with Steph Cutmore.

#11 Stephanie Cutmore – Meckering, Western Australia

#11 Stephanie Cutmore – Meckering, Western Australia

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